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I originally approached the exercise with the intent of just having fun.  My last project was serious and hard to come up with ideas for, so for this one I wanted ideas to flow easily and make me laugh for a change.  It was then that I decided to make a video including one of my favorite shows - Star Trek (specifically Next Generation since it is the most recognizable besides The Original Series).  I had seen a few great bloopers recently in a behind-the-scenes footage compilation, so I figured that there would be endless clips for me to draw upon.  However, I soon found that I had nothing to add to this because it had been done a million times over.  I originally thought I could make an episode from the bloopers or make a statement about laughter, but the videos available weren't enough to make any coherent end product besides a blooper real.  It also was missing the viral component because TNG is old news, and it's not something people talk about these days.  I needed more material.  So, when watching the second presidential debate, my final idea struck me - add Donald Trump.  This would both provide relevancy to modern events and provide a great way to use the laughter clips I had compiled.  This turned into my final project.

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