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Write about the big ideas behind your project? What are the goals? Why did you make it? What are your motivations?

I absolutely love watching animation films, especially the ones made my Disney or Pixar. And whenever I do, I always love discovering memorable quotes or scenes within the lines of a character from the movies. They're mostly heart-warming, and for some of them, I actually print them out and hang them on my wall. If you look closely enough, you'll be able to find words that melt your heart; they give you an epiphany, and sometimes they teach you a life lesson that you can never learn from other parts of media.

What I intended to do here in this module's creative project is to gather up my favorite quotes from famous animation films, and put them together in an interesting fashion. My goal here is to let viewers get goosebumps, or even make them cry by looking at my video collage. I have a secondary goal too, which is to enlighten people and make them realize how much you can learn from paying close attention to animation films, which most people think are designed solely for children.

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