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I decided to take a "visual appeal" approach rather than a critical approach to this project. I wanted to make a final product that looked nice first and foremost. When it comes to viral content I think it is safer to have something pretty but not super thought-provoking, rather than having something that is intended to be thought-provoking but not well-executed enough for people to actually watch it. Having both is quite difficult for me since I'm not a writer and don't have much to say about society that hasn't been said before. With this mindset, I wanted to create a video with a lot of beautiful scenes and forward momentum that people would enjoy watching (or listening to). 

After making the video, I shared it on Facebook and my other social media profiles which have a decent following. It gained quite a number of views in a few hours, so that's nice. Plus, even if people just leave it on in the background (for the music), it still counts as a view :^)

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