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Original Proposal

I want to edit together various clips of run cycles from Studio Ghibli movies, and set the whole thing to a song from some Ghibli movie's soundtrack (I haven't decided on which one yet). Originally I was thinking that I could essentially make an AMV ("animated music video") out of scenes from Ghibli movies, since I want to focus on the more on the aesthetic/entertainment factor of this project as opposed to maybe taking a very critical look at something. These kinds of videos generally get a decent amount of views too, even if only for the background music, so I think it's a fair choice overall. The idea was inspired by those "aesthetically-oriented" Vines in which a visually appealing scene, often from animation, is set to music. I settled on "running" as a theme because I was suddenly thinking about the run sequence from Satoshi Kon's Millennium Actress and how it's a very energetic scene full of movement and emotion. (Edit! Ok, so I just rewatched this scene and it's totally not as good as I remembered it to be in my head. So, I will just recreate the one that I remembered (LOL).)

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