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The form which my final project has is a Supercut. Supercut is a genre of video meme, where some special scenes or situation is collected in a single massive video montage. My project is basically a Supercut of animation scenes that has some reality embedded into them. 

I was inspired to do a supercut from the example we were introduced in class, the last words. This artwork is a supercut of all the last words in many movie, and the creator collected footages from variety of sources and edited them together. All the scenes itself does not have great meaning, however when someone intensionally collect them together and present it at the same time, then the videos suddenly possess a great power and impact as a whole new entity.

Another piece that I was inspired from is the video that we were shown in the class: a collection of all breathes in a presidential debate. We saw this example early in the course, but when it kept reminding me how a preliminary skill to use different program can generate a piece that actually is interesting and imply many meanings behind it. This piece also gave me an influence to work with Supercuts.

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