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I learned that video editing is a process where you have to pour a lot of effort in. Often a footage I searched for would not match with my intention. To maintain my idea, I had to go through a lot of information and try to cut out the scene that is necessary to me. Since video is a form of media that depend greatly on time, it was a time consuming process to select what I want and delete what I don't want. 

Also there were some technical issues. It was quite hard to keep the resolution to a great level once your footage is not in a good shape. However as I worked mostly with videos from Youtube and Vimeo, the quality of the videos I worked with was not that high. At the end I compromised with with medium level.

Another aspect that I realized, which is not related to the process or the technical issues, was the characteristics of the video as a media. As I said before, video corporates with time. And often people do not bother to spend their time on the whole video if they get bored in the early part of it. Therefore I tried to mix scenes form my three source so that people could stay focused and watch the video to the end. I think this directly connects to the viral part of the project. It is hard to be viral if the video doesn't catch the viewer's eye right away.

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