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Mashups have lots of potential to go viral because the combine lots of content that people like. Similarly, people like memes. The closest thing I can think of that is a meme-like song mashup is Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi. However, I'd like to use more ironic pieces, like Slam Jam, Renai Circulation, Kazoo Kid, etc.

Post Completion:

My original intentions were to make a funny mashup of memes. While those can become very popular, I decided against doing so because meme content usually be exclusively interesting to a smaller niche of people than pop music can be, especially the more obscure memes that I would have used. I decided on creating a mix of Childish Gambino songs. Glover's songs are great for mashes because his flow is always clean. I also had vocal and instrumental files of his left over from previous projects.

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