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Describe how you translated your concept into the outcome. How did you approach the exercise? What were the design choices? What challenges were encountered and how did you resolve them? What ideas did you generate and how did you refine or reject them? What approaches did you reject?

I first collected a group of songs that demonstrated the "whoop" sounds, and cut all the "whoops" together.  Then, I rearranged the clips to be grouped with other clips that sounded the most similar to each other. This involved attempting to match different songs with similar tempos and pitches. Finally, I arranged these groupings of tempos in the order that seemed the most musically pleasing. 

It was challenging finding the right order of clips. I first considered doing random arrangement of songs. However, the jumps between clips proved to be a bit too jarring. As a result, I settled on sorting the clips based on their bpm and pitch. 

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