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Instead of supercutting together songs based on their topics, I wanted to tackle the idea of familiarity in songs. In a blog post on The Patterning - (, Metzger makes the observation that a huge amount of modern songs share a common sound - the whoop. I wanted to bounce off this idea and demonstrate how songs play on our sense of familiarity and stick to basic melodies to appeal to a wide audience. In this way, many music artists work towards making the most "listenable" song to make the most money, rather than making an original melody.


Music is one of the most integral part of human life. Not only is it a great way to relax, it is also a great way to communicate, as sounds transcend language and cultural boundaries. However, much of music does not take advantage of it's medium. Rather than spread an interesting or personal message, most songs are catered to fit in the mold of "pop" songs. This can be seen by the surplus of songs that sound the same and discuss the same topics. 

I want to create a supercut of today's most popular music to show how similar each song is to each other. I plan on grouping snippets of songs by their topic, (love, sex, drugs, ...) and also by their musical patterns. 

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