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The intention is to create a mashup of anime openings to an audio track, specifically the top four anime openings as rated by a Reddit bracket.  In a way my goal is to celebrate the industry of Japanese animation through the various genres of anime by cutting them to the respective openings which in my mind can fit well with the big genres of anime.

Also, if, and ONLY if, I am able to complete this part early, I am planning on experimenting with mixing audio together from a group of anime openings such that they create their own song and meaning through the song.  This can be done as pure audio or just quick cuts to the openings for the various lyrics, similar to DJ Earworm and their mashups of the billboard top songs on the American market.

The following videos are what I think represent my end goal.  The first is more along the lines of the project I want to create, except instead of a supercut designed to point out the similarities in the medium, it will most likely use supercut like methods to transition cuts between each other to hopefully produce the message.

The second is the Hanasaku Iroha opening, and while it is only on my list for the video, the cuts between :45 and :55 are similar in my goal of how to cut the opening footage into a fluid visual piece. Also, my intention is to give the video an overall message, similar to the opening if critically analyzed, specifically though the cuts I plan to make for each opening.

The third is one from DJ Earworm which is mainly for the "stretch goal" video I plan to make once my first project can be done.  By mixing the lyrics of the songs and the individual song's beats, the mashup takes a different tone, usually celebrating the medium of music for that year.


So in the end I created a mashup with a different intent.  I indirectly wanted to tell a story, and close to the deadline I had been listening to the song Renai Circulation a lot.  And because of its cutesy opening, I wanted to do something centered around it.

 the same time, I was listening to Guren no Yumiya, and suddenly I had the idea to remix the two songs together.  But it failed miserably (BPM of Renai: 120.  BPM of Guren no Yumiya: 180).  So that wasn't going to work.

Instead, I remembered that meme that "guren no yumiya" fits every single opening video in existence.  And I wondered if I could use that to my advantage.  And so, I decided to make an all out opening with the song and videos I had at my disposal.

Therefore, I changed my intention for the opening, and instead of just making something honor Anime, I decided to take one step further and create an all out anime opening (slightly over the time limit) that had a short story through the cuts I chose for the video.  I essence, I tried to create a monster movie in 1:51.

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