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Initially I wanted to create a compilation of remixed serious movie scenes. But then I thought more about the goal of the project being to make a viral video. Compilations of original work are harder to make go viral unless you already have a fan base interested in your work.  So I decided to do just a single piece and think about what qualities it needed to go viral beyond just the content. One quality that it needed would be that it could attract people to watch it at a glance and a way to do that is to make it short which is why I decided on an Instagram video. There is low risk and little commitment (i.e. it won't take up much time) so there is a sort of "Why not?" response to watching a 30 second video versus a 3 minute video. So once I decided on that I just had to think of a scene to remix. I chose the Batman scene because he really showed a very intense fixation so I wanted to put that fixation in a normal setting to make it look more over-the-top and even annoying.

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