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For most of the time, we are looking for meaning in all the videos we see and music we hear. " What is the purpose of this video?", "Why am I watching this?", "Did you learn a lesson from it?" However, it's often the ones without deep meaning that goes viral through the internet. I wanted to create a mashup that includes a lot of this kind of videos to contrast with the fact that even though we emphasize "meaning" a lot, it doesn't really require meaning for a media to become popular. And of course, this video I created has no deep meaning as well. It is just a bunch of brainwashing, funny, or annoying videos that were categorized into these three different types and put together to see for how long can people stand with it. While each one of them is popular by itself, together the outcome could become unbearable; so this is a challenge: Can you bear with a 4-minute compilation of meaningless?

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