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I think it is successful in that it captures the audio's touch by rendering materials with different textures (like cotton + cardboard). But I feel it is not expressive enough in terms of its representation  of bouncing, cyclic rhythm, which I described above in the documentation. If I got the chance to redo the work, I would choose another composition, such as round shape, to mimic the circular feature in the music. I fee that would make the product more integrated and smooth.

What I learned: I recognize the gap between conceptual prototype and final outcome. In particular, I found that overly conceptual representation is not always effective in expressing ideas. To construct a strong visual effect, I would try to convert the concepts into more direct, elementary tangible forms to create the product. Also I experience the difficulty in dealing with physical/tangible media. For instance, when I was composing my work, it was really hard to make the cotton part look neat because of sticking and fluffy nature of the material.

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