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The final representation is a cardboard-box garage with 10 cylinders made from a straw lined up in the formation used in a V10 engine block. The garage is meant to represent the reverberation found in the original audio clip, and the 10 straws is meant to represent the actual 10-cylinder sound (10-cylinder engines have a distinct sound compared to other engines due to timing, block design, RPM range, etc.). The rough, slightly scratchy texture of the cardboard represents the savage power and screech that these engines made due to how high the RPMs could climb (resulting in a high-pitched screech rather than a deep roar found in cars like the Dodge Viper). The cylindrical shape of the straw represents each individual cylinder of the engine. Lastly, there are two banks of 5 straws to show that the engine is laid out in a V internally, rather than a W or straight-10.

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