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In the end, I produced a piece consisting of an Erlenmeyer flask filled with tissue paper, silhouetted figures with poses that showed sorrow, despair, or the feeling of being trapped, and the lyrics to the most powerful verses in the song wrapped in a ribbon around the neck of the flask. I chose red and yellow for the paper on which the silhouettes were drawn because I felt like this song had a sort of boldness that I associate with yellow, and sorrow that I associate with blood red. I chose light blue for the lyrics because I wanted it to be a subtler color that seemed fit with the red and yellow, and the three primary colors seemed like the way to go. I used the Erlenmeyer flask because when I think of being trapped, I think of how I felt trapped for years in a future as a biologist, which I felt was inevitable, though I had no real passion for it. I simply thought I'd never find a career I could achieve and enjoy at the same time, and biology was the closest I could come to that. I included the paper strip of lyrics to tie the piece back strongly to the song and the Albanian culture that produced it, as well as to fill a bit of empty space. I included the tissue paper to simulate a cloud, separating, surrounding, and consuming those trapped inside the flask. The tissue paper is tipped with red to simulate blood, referencing the bleeding heart vibe I got from the song.

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