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We drew upon several themes and works seen in class when developing our project. 

We started off with the idea that we wanted to emulate the theme of Nap Bar by creating some sort of relaxing environment for visitors to interact with and enjoy. Because fabric is a material that allows us to fully enclose a space, we sought to create a liminal space using the fabric in order to isolate the visitor from the bright and stressful outside environment, and thus bring an element of surreality to the visitor's experience.

For the design of the interior of the space, we were inspired by the student project where they projected light onto layers of fabric, set up in a staircase (unfortunately we forgot the name of the project and can't seem to find it again). There are also many other projects we have seen that incorporate fabric and light, so we decided to do so as well. We draped translucent fabric from the ceiling and projected a procedurally generated moving pattern onto it, creating a nice visual effect while also incorporating elements of random processes.

Finally, although we were not quite able to recreate it, the final circular exterior shape (as opposed to a tent or square shape) was influenced by Ann Hamilton's Habitus fabric installation.  We wanted to keep with a "circlular shape" theme, since circles are the simplest shape and have no hard edges or corners that could evoke a sense of harshness or sharpness.

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