When a child is admitted to the hospital, a child’s personal agency is taken
away, and social and educational development is put on hold. Child Life
Specialists are an integral part of a Pediatric Hospital, who work to help
children understand the medical procedures, regain a sense of personal
agency, provide educational activities, and aid in reduction of stress for
both the patient and family.
Lumos is a part of this relationship between the child and her/his hospital
environment and staff. The responsive system could become a game they
can play to engage with hospital staff, family, and to create a personalized
space that can feel comforting to the child. An element of Lumos’s
speculative development could help Lumos learn to recognize a particular
child’s patterns, needs, and likes, and can become a sort of “call and
response” system that is integrated into the larger Patient-Centered
Design philosophy of the pediatric hospital care system.
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