was deeply impressed by the expressive effect of Warhol’s brightly colored silk
printing portraits of Marilyn Monroe. One of the ideas was to "activate" the
previous multi-color bread work (composed of 36 small pieces), such that each
small graph show up randomly (not necessarily as the original order) in the position
of that 6 by 6 grid; or representing each row as a dynamic image (made up of
the original 6 images in that row) and displaying the 6 dynamic image in a row
or some other pattern. I think making each row dynamic will emphasize the
difference among the originally side-by-side pictures (the decreasing number of
bread pieces in the loaf) and showing the process of bread being consumed (or
simply showing the change) better. Maybe the dynamic outcome will exemplify
my previous idea about “different eating habits, or more generally, pace of
life of different people”, but I might not need to find any meaning behind the work
as not all the artwork, or art, have to mean something…
Note that the previous overlay effect of each small piece was not very satisfying and I'll also work on that.
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