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Our proposal is to combine some of the ideas from the “Newton’s Cradle”, “Liquid Lightbending“, and “Soothing Projections” installations to make a calming environment out of light up balloons. The fundamental concept is to fill a room with balloons that contain LED lights to create an ambient and peaceful lighting. To achieve this concept, we plan to place LED lights in balloons that are filled with water/helium around a dark room, to have lights emanating from all around the room, as well as from the ceiling. Potentially, we could also include lights that emanate from different colored objects of various shapes and sizes, places selectively around a room. We have tentatively selected one of the study rooms in the Hunt Library basement as our target environment because it is a condensed location and also is a place of study. Our hope in this concept is to alter a space that might be connotated with stress and hard work with positive vibes and to change the experience of studying to be more positive and relaxing.

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