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'new techniques in machine learning and image processing allow us to extrapolate the scene of a painting'

We found the works displayed on this website to be really interesting due to the accuracy of the extrapolations. While the extrapolations seem almost magical, the technology behind it is actually easily accessible and widely used in programs like photoshop and wolfram alpha. This use of machine learning is unique because it goes beyond simply restyling photos and images, and we found the concept of letting the algorithm widen the scene of a painting to be really interesting.

Other Artworks:

'Digital inpainting can extend or repair photos, artwork, and other images. See how it works in the Wolfram Language'

More on Techniques for Style Transfers & Neural Networks

Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks

Add or Delete a Painter’s Style Using Neural Algorithms | The Creators Project

Experiments with style transfer

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