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"1000 hours of Staring" - Tom Friedman

Tom Friedman put 1000 hours hover 5 years into staring at a white canvas to make this art project. One major thing we took away from this is the immense amount of focus on just being an observer. One can only use their eyes and their mind. Here, the staring is probably a time of great self-reflection. In our project, the focus is on another person, hopefully to spur a connection. It's almost the opposite of self-reflection, except some self-projection is expected. Also, given the total duration of the time spent sitting, it's clear that Friedman spent several hours at a time staring at the canvas. This is similar (yet an extreme) of what our project is doing. You're not there just to pass by briefly; it is supposed to be a ten-minute experience. After a period of engagement beyond what is normal with a piece, surely things become more memorable.

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