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There are lots of spaces for improvement. First, I did not test the program thoroughly and it seems to generate bugs from time to time during the showcase… In addition, the font of questions shown via the message box was too small compared to the size of the project interface. Second, as mentioned earlier, this is just a very basic version of the daily bread consumption process, where each day was considered the same and there were no difference between weekdays and weekends, or any special adjustment for holidays. Note that a new loaf of bread would not be bought until the previous one was eaten up, which is impractical, as I did not take the shelf life of the bread into consideration. Yet, to move along that direction further, a bunch of questions will come along as to whether the player would keep eating the bread even if it has already passed the expiration date, whether he/she would like to store some loafs in advance, and etc. So ambitiously speaking, the whole project may end up with something similar to John Conway’s Game of Life but with bread.

Although the project represents the process of consumption more clearly now (which is some improvement from the previous one), my inner critic still find the “big ideas” behind the project not being expressed… Or perhaps the idea that “life is art” is too broad and I haven’t found an appropriate form to shape it. 

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