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Originally, we intended to create a forest in the Hunt library to build off of the first forest project in Module 3. However, much has evolved from that idea. With our prototype of the screen we planned on using for the forest, we began testing the projection of different scenes to catch an idea of the effect we could create. Once the string was added to our little prototype, we found that moving lined patterns created a really interesting effect on the string, making it seem as though little dots of light were moving in mid air. From there, something happened very quickly amongst our excited chatter and we cam upon the idea of the heart. It seemed morbid and creepy, but despite that it was a great idea that was also feasible (we assumed from our prototype). 

Once we settled upon the heart idea, we began building it in one of the bookshelves on the second floor. But, the projection was not anywhere near as brilliant as it was in our prototype and it seemed all too small for the heart of Hunt library. We ultimately enlarged our prototype and made a big, dark box to experience the heart. 

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