The polished version, which can be seen below, was created solely using Python. The grid of notes is represented by a 2-D array with each cell randomly choosing a note using a random number generator. The rest of the interface was made using Tkinter, WinSound, and images from the internet in order to create a colorful experience that is pleasing to look at as well as to play. At the beginning of each round the game begins playing a note at increasingly faster intervals until the end of the round where all the notes except the one that is played disappears. There are also different difficulty settings where at this point only changes the amount of time you have to figure out the color (i.e. hard difficulty gives you the least amount of time to figure it out).The interface of the game uses the laptop only to start the game and progress to the next round. Each individual round is automated, so it chooses and plays each note and removes the other notes from the grid by itself, unlike in the previous iteration of this installation. The videos below show a sample run of the game from two very appreciated participants.
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