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The video above is my final product.

My final video was based off of the official Marvel trailer on YouTube. For my project, I used the audio directly from the official trailer, and I found scenes from The Office that matched those in the original trailer (for example, similar conversations/locations/setup). I used screen-recordings from Netflix to get the scenes, and I used Adobe Premiere to edit the video. For the presentation, I used a monitor to show a combined version of the two trailers, with the original video on top and my edited version below, so that viewers were able to see the direct similarities/differences between the two.

I also uploaded the edited video to YouTube to continue with the “spreadable media” theme from Module 2. I shared the video with some communities online, primarily using Reddit to target specific audiences (such as other fans of the show), and it received mild success. My Reddit post didn’t get super popular, but it got about 30 upvotes and some positive comments from other users. 

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