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This project helped me get my bearings on what how I should approach these sorts of projects in the future. I purposefully came up with a prototype that I thought would be within my range of capabilities so I could physically develop the project rather than conceptually develop it. I realized, as I went along, that I could have done more theoretical work rather than focusing on producing a working prototype. Not worrying so much about what I could do would have allowed me to develop my idea further, in a more imaginative way.

As regards the project as it is, I thought it was interesting to see what everyone else in the class came up with. Some approaches were vastly different from others, and all seemed to start interesting and controversial conversations. Even if we ran out of time for my presentation, we managed to hit a few points I wanted to discuss in earlier conversations. It is very clear that the class is divided on the issue of what we should be able to forget. The line is drawn at various distances based on each individual's comfort level with the issue, and each person seems to have their own reasons for drawing the line there.

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