Components used: Photon board, jumper wires, waterproof temperature sensors, 3 buttons, 3 different LED lights, resistors.
Assembling Circuits:
Build basic circuits based on Online Tutorial (
Build basic circuits based on Online Tutorial (
Trying one LED light.
Fixing mistakes and Organizing the board with Jesse’s help.
Soldering jumper wires onto the temperature sensor.
Waterproof temperature sensor
Wiring temperature sensor onto board.
Coding process:
I downloaded library codes and tested the temperature sensor based on the online tutorial. (
First I planned my pseudocode with the help of Professor Brockmeyer.
Based on the plan, I transferred the algorithm into actual codes. I did not change the library codes for reading temperature.
Testing LED 1: White/Green Tea
Testing LED 2: Olong Tea
Testing LED 3: Black/Herbal Tea
Testing buttons(as variable state 1,2,3)
Testing the accuracy of the temperature Sensor.
Using setTemp to simulate a real temperature of boiled water.
After setTemp(180), temperatureF is changed to 180. The corresponding LED is lit.
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