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import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var isControlled: UILabel!
    var myPhoton : SparkDevice?
    var toggleString = "on"
    var lightOn = false

    @IBOutlet weak var isOnLabel: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        isControlled.text = "Not User Controlled"
        SparkCloud.sharedInstance().login(withUser: "", password: "kmk123") { (error:Error?) -> Void in
            if let _ = error {
                print("Wrong credentials or no internet connectivity, please try again")
            else {
                print("Logged in")
                SparkCloud.sharedInstance().getDevices { (sparkDevices: [Any]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
                    if error != nil {
                        print("Check your internet connectivity")
                    else {
                        if let devices = sparkDevices as? [SparkDevice] {
                            for device in devices {
                                if == "tcham" {
                                    self.myPhoton = device
                                    self.myPhoton!.callFunction("connected", withArguments: ["on"], completion: { (resultCode : NSNumber?, error : Error?) -> Void in
                                        if (error == nil) {
                                            SparkCloud.sharedInstance().subscribeToAllEvents(withPrefix: "test-", handler: self.subscribeHandler)
    @IBAction func switchFlipped(_ sender: UISwitch) {
        SparkCloud.sharedInstance().publishEvent(withName: "switch", data: String(sender.isOn), isPrivate: false, ttl: 60, completion: { (error:Error?) -> Void in
            if error != nil
                print("Error publishing event \(error?.localizedDescription)")
                self.isControlled.text = "Currently User Controlled"
            } else {
                print("Error \(error?.localizedDescription)")
    @IBAction func sliderChanged(_ sender: UISlider) {
        SparkCloud.sharedInstance().publishEvent(withName: "slider", data: String(sender.value), isPrivate: false, ttl: 60, completion: { (error:Error?) -> Void in
            if error != nil
                print("Error publishing event \(error?.localizedDescription)")
    func subscribeHandler(event: SparkEvent?, error: Error?)->() {
        if (error == nil)
            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
                print("Got: \(event?.event) and data: \(event?.data)")
        } else {
            NSLog("Error occured:\(error?.localizedDescription)")

    func isOn() {
        self.myPhoton?.getVariable("isOn", completion: {(_ result: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
            if(error == nil) {
                self.lightOn = (result! as! Int == 1) ? true : false
                self.toggleString = (self.lightOn) ? "on" : "off"
                self.isOnLabel.text = (self.lightOn) ? "Light is On" : "Light is Off"
            } else {
    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    @IBAction func toggle(_ sender: Any) {
        if(toggleString == "on") {
            toggleString = "off"
        } else {
            toggleString = "on"
        let funcArgs = [toggleString]
        let task = myPhoton!.callFunction("led", withArguments: funcArgs) { (resultCode : NSNumber?, error : Error?) -> Void in
            if (error == nil) {
                print("LED on D7 successfully turned on")
        //        _; : Int64 = task.countOfBytesExpectedToReceive

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