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Speculative Proposal / Conceptual Design:

When I thought about the concept of creating a memory prosthetic, I knew I would be drawn to a project that would address the issue of memory recollection and encoding. How to create an idea that addressed this large of an issue and posed a solution to "blurry memories" was one of the main obstacles. At the beginning I found myself drafting model after model, on a paper, looking at form and function, what would be the most comforting for a person to use for recollecting memories. I wanted it to be a token, an item that can visually represent the memories that reside in the limbic system while giving the user a feeling of familiarity with the item so that encoding or "saving" a memory onto the object would not be strange to do. By creating a token, which can replay saved memories of the user and then have the user re-experience them how they had them but tangibly, became the solution I wanted to create. With this, the individual could revisit their memory countless times, but in a physical setting, which could potentially trigger deeper feelings and recollection of the actual memory, because they could touch, here and see some aspects of their memories. From this, I knew that I wanted to design a pocketable device that lets you physically imprint memory and recall or trigger memories at any chosen time. The device would make it easier for people to encode and recall memories important to them and give them the physical control over them. It would allow them to re-experience the memory real-time because they could touch it, hear it and see it in front of them! I also believe that a device like has its applications as well in individuals who have had memory loss or suffer from diseases like Alzheimers and Dementia, because it could help them rebuild their memories. In practice, the device would have multiple ways of being used. The user who remembers their memories could communicate to it by recording music or their voice, then, add a color or light pattern and also tactile impact, and the device would then replay it to the user. For the user who does not have strong memories another person who shares the memory could program the device and play it back to the user, who lacks the memory and let them touch it and look at it. All then, intending to strengthen the user's recollection and attachment to a certain memory.

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