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We were quite skeptical at first that this project would actually be able to work. As shown by our sketches it took quite a lot of effort to figure out how the parts would all be connected as we didn’t know if the glasses would be able to support the servo motor. After wearing them for some time, it definitely is startling when a tweet is received, momentarily blinding you to your surroundings. It evokes a sense of mayhem and disarray, similar to the emotions that follow exclamatory remarks... and is quite the head turner.

Overall it was a fun project that worked well and delivered the desired effect on the user. It was good for both of us to explore new territories in the code and manufacturing aspects that were involved in creating this project. It’s unfortunate that Twitter’s API has rate limits on the amount of tweets it can collect in a timeframe as this prevented how often it would be able to work. Further work may be to conceal or reduce the size of the servo mechanics on the sunglasses as well as reduce the size of the housing if a smaller power source was obtained. If we had more time on this project we would have eliminated the need for a breadboard and soldered our circuit onto perf board, this also would have brought down the size of the housing. 

Sadly while we were living with our device over the hour or so while we filmed it produced no action as Donald Trump was not tweeting. However, even though the tweets were not coming in it was still frustrating when the glasses would just flip down all of a sudden and the person wearing them would get a fright. We then can imagine how frustrating these would be to live with on a daily basis, which pretty much matches up with the fact that Donald Trump is a pretty frustrating politician...

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