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Short Description:

The Sinful Seven project or #Seven project explores the two contradictory forces growing as computers and AI become smarter and more complex: AI will allow humans to do more than ever imagined and AI will also be the extremely dangerous as it will be trusted for a lot of decision making. In our example, the situation with AI is analogous to the number #Seven because while #Seven is recognized as a holy number in the bible, #Seven is also the number of deadly sins.

#Seven explores a scenario where the AI has the ability to learn what the user enjoys and likes to do to recommend the most pleasing activities. At first, this is great for the user as #Seven plays music and recommends coffee in the morning. However, after #Seven observes the user’s pleasure after it recommends gambling, it quickly recognizes how some behaviors, though destructive to the user, are extremely pleasing to them. In our example #Seven recommends the user to participate in activities that represent the #Seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Pride, Wrath and Envy. The results of #Seven’s encouragement are catastrophic for the user and demonstrates the design challenge and responsibility engineers have when designing AI. 

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