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I set out to used an ATtiny85 microprocessor, the same one found in an Arduino Gemma. However, my project required use of seven of the ATtiny's eight pins, and a Gemma only offers access to six. I sought to use a Piezo element to measure vibrations, and detect the user shaking the device. Basic game play can be seen on the breadboard prototype in the video below. Each light has a fifty percent chance of being lit on its respective shake; four lights wins full points and one of each color wins half points.

Given the number of LEDs, I decided to create a tetrahedral shape for my object so one light could be on each corner. The shape was stuffed to create a small pillow, with a pocket inside of the electronics. The edges of the shape were machine sewn; the fortuitous presence of green thread on a bobbin gave me the idea of using green and red thread together, one being on each side of the fabric, to match the colors of the LEDs.

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