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I did not intend to take this picture initially, but as I was walking by this building (which, by the way, is a building I walk past almost every day), it struck me as a building that had many features Strand would have looked for. The building is extremely flat and very gridlike, particularly because of the way the windows are spaced out and the vertical lines running between them. The only thing think composition is really lacking is shadows (or any darker component), which is something that is present in most of Strand's works. I think if I had increased the shutter speed, I could have made the windows look a bit darker, which would resemble Strand's photo of Wall Street above. 

However, I think the biggest improvement for this piece would be to choose a building in a poorer neighborhood. Although this photo follows Strand's photography style, it does not have the same message as his photos since this building is not a cheap apartment. If I had more time, I think I would have tried to find an apartment building that has windows and lines similar to this one, except with a older and cheaper feel to it.

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