I began with trying to replicate my hand-drawn design on Fusion360. I used 2D drawing tools to make the base circles and then extruded them. I used the cylinder tool for drawing the body of the candle stand. Then, extruded a cylinder in the middle to make it hollow.
The leaves/petals on the sides were the tricky part. I first drew them with the spline tool and then, in the Sculpt mode, I raised the sides. And lastly, I used the circular pattern tool to copy the petals and then created another line of petals under the first line.
I was scared about how the petals will turn out because they were at an angle and had curvature. NVBots didn't seem to think that supports were needed so I went along with that and let it print.
I scraped the petals with sand paper to make it relatively more even.
Below are images of the completed stand in Fusion360, an STL of the same, and a time-lapse of it printing which looks pretty cool!
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