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What the above 2 photos have in common is that their subject matter is much more singular in nature. The first show is simply that of a torn leaf, hanging on by a thread to a small twig. I wanted to focus on the leaf because it was already in a state of decay. An live leaf would be symbiotic with its surroundings but not leaves in fall, hence the blurred surroundings. At this point, its still hanging on and I felt this was very symbolic of nature. Even in the harshest environments, living  things still try their best to survive till the end. 

The second photo was my attempt at emulating Adam's style in his photo, 'Tree, Stump and Mist'. I shot from many different angles but this angle had the effect that the trunk of the tree was a path leading to the branches on top. The lighting also went best in this shot, since there were dark clouds right above this tree near the top, but lighter clouds in the distance. From this angle, I was able to have the lighter sky close to the bottom of the trunk and the dark clouds near the top, which is ironic since the trunk is in darkness from the shadows of the trees around it. I also chose this particular tree because all the trees around it still had a lot of foliage but this one didn't. 

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