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All I can say for this photo is that I just took as many pictures as I could as fast as I could. It was difficult to predict how the players of the game would be moving so it was difficult to focus on a specific person. In the end, I chose this photo because it gave the effect I desired: to have the moving part of the body blurred and the stationary parts in focus. The girl in the center has her feet and arms blurred because of the motion but her torso is relatively in focus. The same could be said for the player to the right in the picture who's legs are parted in mid air. If I could redo this picture, I wish I could have focused on just those two people. Especially because the ball's movement is really between them. I would have gotten closer so that they were the main focus of the pictures instead of having all the other players distributed in the photo. I would also crouch a bit lower so you eye would move up in an arc in from the girls legs up to her outstretched arms to the movement of the ball and down the receiving player.

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