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Visual Insights Gained

As per the above illustration, the areas in order of preference are:

1.Central Business District (Space)
2.North Shore (Alloy 26)
3.Oakland (Revv)
4.East Liberty Corridor (Alpha Lab)
5.Uptown (StartUptown)
6.Southside (Work Hard Pittsburgh)

General Insights Gained

1.The Downtown Business District is the most sensible choice with office spaces, great transportation and good number of options for food.
2.North Shore & Uptown make to the list due to the proximity to downtown. Although Northshore has good office spaces, it lacks other amenities.
3.Even though areas such as strip district and squirrel hill also show up as hotspots, they do no have a good number of office spaces and are therefore not considered in the final list.
4.Oakland and east liberty have the highest number of co-work spaces. This could be due to the presence of professional schools in the area or could also be an indication of a new trend where new corridor developments incorporate more shared work spaces.

Next Steps

This puts us a step ahead in deciding on a place for the office. However, certain other things scan be done to validate our choices even further.

1.Twitter data can be used to identify commonly used adjectives in order to establish the general sentiment in an area. This could also be used to eliminate areas with a detrimental sense of sentiments.
2.Data from WPRDC can be used to map median property costs in the area and these can be used to eliminate any spaces which are too expensive to be used. However, the scope of this proposal does not deal with the financial analysis of the office space. Therefore, currently it can be assumed that finances are taken for granted and any space can be afforded if need be.
3.Apart from creating a service area of 0.5 mile radius, walkability in terms of time taken (5min walk, 10min walk etc.) were also looked into. This analysis however, could not be completed due to technical difficulties. This would form the next step.

Additional Insights Gained via Twitter

Top 5 adjectives within tweets from the areas shortlisted in the previous section:

1.Central Business District - 15222 – great, fit, practical, seasonal, ready
2.North Shore - 15212 – great, best, good, happy, big
3.Oakland - 15213 – great, natural, closed, hot, beautiful
4.East Liberty Corridor - 15206 – great, latest, drinking, sunny, fit
5.Uptown - 15219 – like, good, great, happy, right
6.Southside - 15203 – drinking, great, good, exact, pretty

The most common adjective across these zip codes is ‘great’ followed by ‘good’. There is not one negative sounding adjective in the top five across these areas. However, one might make a case for ‘hot’ being a negative word but it does not convey any common sentiments.

As can be seen from the data above, there seems to be no adjectives pointing at detrimental or negative sentiment in any of the six neighborhoods chosen. Hence, there isn’t a need to eliminate any of the chosen areas based on this data. This data validates to some extent the analysis performed in the previous sections from the point of view of Twitter, where people do not shy away from expressing their feelings and emotions.

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