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Three communities has great neighborhood assets, which generated great population flow at the certain parts of the neighborhood, and majority of the activities happen in the main street district and major arterial streets in the communities. 


1. The data wasn't filtered correctly by average period of time, which only reflects the data after Foursquare's release. Also, some spots are opened within a short period of time, so may cause some variation on the visualization.

2. Due to limitation of Carto's heat map ability, the underlay layers were not working very well as an actual heat map.

3. Also, many of the activities might be generated from outside visitors, for instance, a heavy percentage of commercial activities along Penn Ave in Wilkinsburg were generated from passing by traffic as many auto oriented commercial establishments were designed for them. As a result, the quality of amenities for community oriented social life might not be very accurate.

4. For Generosity, it should include amount of tips or percentage of total bill would be more accurate.

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