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The personas

So the idea behind the happening was to show someone who has all these problems (represented by his shirt). At first, he tries to do everything on his own but clearly struggles, so he goes up to helper 1 and asks for help. helper 1 represents a selfish helper who only helps themselves, so she says no. 

The character is hurt and now more hesitant to ask for help. 

Helper 2 is an aggressive helper. She has good intentions but is also selfish in the way that she mainly wants to help the character to feel better about herself. She does not take his feelings into account and aggressively helps him with his problems (represented by her taking things off the shirt). She may be causing more damage than good. 

Finally, we see sincere helper 3, she gently asks the character if he needs help with anything. After gaining his consent she proceeds to help him out while taking his feelings into consideration. She is supportive and is doing this not for any selfish reasons but out of genuine concern for the character. She is the ideal helper.

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