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In general, I like the way this project turned out. The biggest thing I'd change is that opting to buy my own clock kit made integrating it more of an unknown--it didn't come in until the day before I did my assembly and I'm not sure how to hang it up with the different form factor on the back.

Also If I did this again, I think I'd try a version of the clock face that did engrave the RI logo but maybe with different settings, as it's a little too "backgrounded" at this point. I might also raise the spirals off the clock face or change the engraving settings, as I thought the text would shine through the smoke acrylic more than it is.

I'd also experiment with the engraving settings for text or maybe raise the spiral off the clock face slightly. I moved the spiral off center a bit more than it should be in order to more clearly see the text. I'm not sure how to balance that and preserve the intent, but it's an interesting future problem.

I also want to work on how to keep acrylic from looking so smudgy, though it looks worse under the lights for the photos than it does in position as a clock. 

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