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Memory Dialogue

This is a Microsoft project that explored how people's memories of the same event they participated together differ and how physical artefacts can affect the sharing of experiences. 

The And

This is a series of interactive documentary where former couples are brought in and given a pile of question cards to ask each other. In the case of one pair of exes, the ex-girlfriend received the question of "what is your fondest memory of our time together." She without a pause described a shared experience she loved while the ex-boyfriend had no recollection of the experience. To her, the shared experience was very significant while it was insignificant for him. This goes to show that people are not always on the same page emotionally. 

Therefore, this raises the question of whether we should be more sensitive/aware of others' feelings and emotions. My project is aimed to do this. It is meant to be a critical design that forces people to reflect upon they relationships; to have those critical talks before it is too late.  

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