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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <MFRC522.h> // Library for the RFID reader

#define SS_PIN SS // pins for RFID
#define RST_PIN D2 // pins for RFID

MFRC522 myRFID(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);	// Create MFRC522 instance.

String id = "";

String data_sent = "";

void setup() {
	// Initialize serial communications with the computer
	myRFID.setSPIConfig(); // sets up SPI config

	myRFID.PCD_Init();	// Initialize RC522 card
	Serial.println("Start Scanning");

void loop() {

	// Look for new cards
    if ( ! myRFID.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) { 
// Read tapped card data
    if ( ! myRFID.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) { 
    for (byte i = 0; i < myRFID.uid.size; i++) {
        // Create a RFID Hexdecimal String by adding and converting the binary
        id += String(myRFID.uid.uidByte[i], HEX);
    id.toUpperCase(); // Convert to Uppercase
    // Print the RFID identifier to the Serial Port
    // If it is this card,
    if (id == "AB6E3E7E") { //call mom!
    data_sent = "soonish";
    Particle.publish("call_mom", data_sent, PRIVATE);
    if (id == "BFC3D7E") { //remember something at home! 
    data_sent = "remember_me";
    Particle.publish("at_home", data_sent, PRIVATE);
    if (id == "5BF43E7E") { //draft and email! 
    data_sent = "send_mail";
    Particle.publish("email_at_work", data_sent, PRIVATE);
    // Reset Id
    id = "";
    // Stop the reading after one tap
    /* Used to exit the PCD from its authenticated state. Remember to call this function after
    communicating with an authenticated PICC - otherwise no new communications can
    start .*/
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