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Process & Procedure

I knew I wanted a vase with two bodies. Since my initial design included hexagons, I decided to start with two stacked hexagons and rotate them around the z-axis to create my vase. I had to do this a couple of times to make sure the bottom part was bigger than the top, so the whole structure wouldn't fall over. I ended up not using the top hexagon and instead going for a shape that went out, and then in, just for a bit. As shown above, I also really liked the idea of geometric cut outs in the vase. I knew I wanted the cut out to be large on the bottom, so that water wouldn't be trapped in the base, and then more intricate cut outs as you went to the top. I didn't have a big plan for these, and mostly just trial-and-errored the various cutouts to see what worked, and free-handed the more complicated patterns. One challenge was that I was unsure of the best way to cut out the shaped on a slanted surface without having of create a new slanted plane for each cutout. I was able to solve this with vertical planed and the extrusions/cut tool. 

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