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The type of data that would need to be collected would be the number of people who are using the facilities for recreational purposes. We would need a way to collect real-time data of people currently in the facilities, as well as use past data to roughly estimate the number of people that would be using the facilities at any time on any day in the future. The accuracy of this estimate would be greater as more data is collected over time.

Most likely, we would have to use people counter devices to obtain the data in real-time. There are devices that can attached to the entrance ways of the basketball, squash and tennis courts, as well as the gyms. An example of such a device is below. It is a thermal imaging device counter, sold on the market that can be placed overhead on the entrance, and it keeps track of all people passing below it. By keeping track of people entering and leaving the facilities, we can obtain the current occupancy of the above facilities. This method would be low-cost, efficient and unobtrusive to users of the facilities.

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