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If I had two words to describe myself, it would be maker and nerd. My goal is to create a glove that acts as both a prop and display for LARP. Some background first. Live-Action Roleplaying, or LARPing, is a cross between cosplay and Dungeons and Dragons. Basically you dress up as your character and you hit your friends with foam weapons. In the LARP I'm a part of, there's a gadget that's basically a defibrillator, and has three charges each day. I want to make a glove that would act as a display with LEDs that show how many charges I have remaining, so at the start of the event all 3 LEDs would be lit, and whenever I use the device I could push a button in the glove to move on to the next state, which would have 2 LEDs, etc, etc.

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