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[Reflect on Upon reflection, I realize that I probably should’ve devoted a lot more time to this project. The measurements of the iPhone itself didn’t take too much time, but I grossly underestimated how long the CAD model would take. As a result, I had to turn in my project late. If I had to go back and start this project over, I would definitely start the CAD earlier. I think that would’ve helped me finish on time and would have allowed me to have a more developed project. Unfortunately, due to my ill planning on this project, I couldn’t implement a lot of the features that I really wanted to, such as the adjustable prop angle, the A-frame support, the surround sound speaker experience, etc. I would like to come back to this design in the future and polish and finish my design the way I had originally intended.the process of making this project. What did you learn? What would you do differently?]

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