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As someone living in a house provided by the university, I often find myself pushing in shelves that don't seem to stay closed and opening doors that don't seem to stay opened. I figured I'd use a combination of 3D printing and laser cutting to solve both of these problems, if at the very least one of them, in a single mechanism. I propose the creation of a Door/Shelf Ratchet. The object will be composed of at least three items: two rods and one rotation point/ratcheting joint. The item will be able to fit in between the door stabilizing hinge and or the side of a shelf. In regards to solving the door problem, the item would be placed in-between the two rods of the door stabilizing hinge. Dependent on how wide the user wants the door to be open, they can set the door ratchet to match the angle of the door stabilizing hinge and place it in-between the two rods. The ratchet should be strong enough to hold the pressure of the two metal rods force and can be readjusted if the user sees fit. In regards to solving the shelf problem, the ratchet functions in the same way, but has a strip of adhesive which allows it to be placed near the corner of a drawer. Here, the user can just readjust the ratchet to the specific angle they want the drawer to remain (i.e. - 90 deg for closed). At the very least, I hope to solve at least one of these problems.  

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