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I decided to make a pair of mittens with the shearling. I chose to make them, as I thought this was a good entry-level garment given its simplicity and small size. I started by printing a template and increasing its based on the size of my own hand. It took a few iterations of drawing and cutting the template out of paper, "trying-on" each iteration for size. 

Once I was happy with the template size I traced the pattern onto the back of the fur using textile chalk. I then cut the pattern using a sharp razor. This helps prevent cutting the actual fur on the other side of the hide. 

After the hide was cut, the thumb and main pieces were each separately machine sewn. The thumb could then be flipped right-side-out and inserted into the mitt. It was hand-sewn on using the sewing awl as pictured. After all the sewing was finished, the entire mitt was flipped right-side-out resulting in the pictured final product.

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