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Context & Design

Ghost Pepper is a small pin that the user can add on their front and back to ensure 360ยบ of protection. Since it is such a small device that looks just like an accessory, the wearer can be sure that wearing it is not a burden or too conspicuous. The device has an embedded camera which is used to monitor the people around its wearer. The camera can be used to determine if someone has been following the wearer, if someone is approaching quickly and directly as in a kidnap or attack, and if someone is reaching into the wearer's bag or personal belongings. The inner side of the device includes heart rate and blood pressure monitors, which will register anxiety, potential threat, or medical emergency by spikes in these data. When such triggers are detected, it calls 911 with a report of the appropriate emergency, captures a photo of the attacker, and sprays pepper spray if necessary.

Some resources we modeled the device after include the Defender 24/7 ( and Redpoint Positioning ( Defender 24/7 is a better version of regular pepper spray, which calls 911 and takes a picture when it is sprayed. This is an effective method of recording the attacker as the pepper spray is already directed at the attacker's face. Redpoint Positioning is an attachment to construction worker's helmets which alerts the worker when he is in a zone of hazardous material or off-limit areas. It also tracks the movement of materials and tools, which helps avoid unintentional danger of misplaced items. 

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