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When I started the actual process of creating the clock, I thought I could just design it in Fusion and send it straight to be cut, and that any problems I'd encounter would be with cut settings and the material. Obviously, I was wrong--trying to fix all the problems with the lines in Illustrator and Fusion took up a huge amount of time, and I didn't even get to make my final version the way I envisioned it. The next time I work on a project like this, I need to give more time for designing and dealing with problems in the software, instead of assuming all my problems will be during the physical construction.

I originally thought the wood itself would be a pleasant enough texture, but now that it's finished, I think the clock looks a little boring. If I had time to make further prototypes, I would try different ways of coloring it--perhaps by varnishing the wood green before I cut it, or painting it by hand.

I also considered changing the construction entirely and making each leaf a separate piece, which could be colored on its own and then glued together like a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of the final design. Although that would probably end up looking the best out of all these possibilities, it would also be very time consuming--not just the painting and cutting, but changing the drawing and DXFs to allow each piece to be cut individually.

In the end, I like my clock design and it satisfies the requirements of this project, and I probably wouldn't do much more than varnish or paint it--any other improvements would take too much time.

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